Kivia from Sao Paulo: Julio Cesar's cry has waken me up

Kivia Mendonca Costa
Kivia from Sao Paulo
Kivia from Sao Paulo Kivia Mendonca Costa
Hey, wanna know what's going in Sao Paulo? This is Kivia Costa's new post directly from SP.

Now the World Cup has really started! Not after Brazil x Chile. After the penalty shootout. For a moment I thought Sao Paulo was crashing down. After Chile missed the last goal a roar has completely taken the city and even anti-World-Cup friends were seen cheering. I must admit that I was this close to fall asleep during the second half time, but Julio Cesar's cry has waken me up. After the match, I put on my green and yellow "costume" and head to a festa junina, a tipical party we have all over the country during the month of June, our (hot) winter. Lot's of tapioca, canjica, arroz-doce and all those tipical food I can't explain what they are. Great start for a Saturday night.

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