Kivia from São Paulo: These cheeky Argentinians!

Kivia Mendonca Costa
Kivia from Sao Paulo
Kivia from Sao Paulo Kivia Mendonca Costa
"Maradona es más grande que Pelé!" Yes, my friends, today I had to watch hundreds of Argentinians literally stopping the traffic in São Paulo, singing that Maradona is bigger than Pelé. How cheeky! If they did that after an obvious victory against Switzerland I wonder what they are going to do if they ... well, if they beat Brazil. Touch wood!

If people were surprised to see the Swiss in the round of 16, fans just could not believe their eyes, as they saw a resistant Switzerland in a 0 x 0 with Argentina. The game went to extra time. Really, were they going to stop Messi? "Off course not!!". That's the unanimous answer I got from our neighbors. "Have you ever thought that Chile would eliminate Brazil?", one of them asked me. No! "You see! That's it".

And they kept walking, to join the white and blue crowd that just could not stop the drums, the noise, that annoying song ... the party. Which was absolutely gorgeous, I must admit.
Oh, but they wouldn't go before asking for a picture, a phone number, a date .. these cheeky Argentinians!

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