Pablo from Cuiabá: Nigeria against Bosnia and Herzegovina - third game in Cuiabá (5)

Pablo Faliki Reveles Pereira
Pablo from Cuiaba
Pablo from Cuiaba Pablo Reveles
Today Cuiabá will be hosting Nigerian and Bosnian fans for the match between these two national teams. Pantanal Arena will be loud again!

As happened last game in Cuiaba (Russia vs. South Korea) foreign people did not invade the city to support Bosnia or Nigeria. This time Cuiaba is really quiet and calm, most of outsiders here are journalists following these two selections through the World Cup. Local population once again will fill the Arena, FIFA expect more than 30 thousand people this Saturday.

The weather will be great for the game, it won´t pass 30° Celsius. The conditions to another great game at Pantanal Arena have been set up, now we can just sit and wait.

I could not get a ticket for this match, so I´m going to Pantanal Arena just to see how everything goes and to take some pictures (to share with you later). After this I will watch the game and enjoy a big concert at FIFA Fan Fest.

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