Iga from Porto Alegre: Last work day's over (6)

Iga Żuławińska
Ostatni dzień meczowy w Porto Alegre
Ostatni dzień meczowy w Porto Alegre Iga Żuławińska
Last Match Day in Porto Alegre has passed... I think we all did a really good job. It's hard to describe the feelings I'm having knowing that the Volunteer Programme is over and so is my trip do Brasil.

I'm proud, astonished, overly-happy and at the same time miserable, knowing that tomorrow I'll be boarding the plane home. FIFA organised the last party in the Volunteer Centre, I think I took more pictures that evening that I did the whole trip.

To anyone who has never participated in a project like this - I sincerely recommend, from the bottom of my heart - do it! Wonderful people and a genuine amazing atmosphere. We're gonna see each other at the Euro 2016 in France, definitely!

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