Iga from Porto Alegre: Well, eventually I don't think I'll support Honduras (3)

Iga Żuławińska
Iga from Porto Alegre
Iga from Porto Alegre Iga Żuławińska
Francuzi rozbili Honduras w rozgrywanym w Porto Alegre meczu fazy grupowej Mistrzostw Świata w Brazylii. Bez wolontariuszy pracujących przy stadionie Beira-Rio ciężko byłoby zorganizować mundial w PA. W tym bez naszej Igi, która ma za sobą pierwszy Dzień Meczowy w najbardziej wysuniętym na południe mieście-gospodarzu Mistrzostw.

Ufufufuf, so first Match Day is over. What we did right - we did right, what we messed up - we messed up but I think it's safe to say our job was done. Parking E2/E4 functioned without any problems. My role was to cheerfully point the vehicles either to the left or the right and count the cars and vans after that. Truth is I had a blast One time I freaked out a little as when it got a little slow I took out my phone and started taking pictures of the stadium. And then a VIP/Media guy walked out of nowhere straight into the picture and on the inside I kinda froze like "oh no, oh no, what do I do? Will he be pissed? Should I act like I'm not even here? So this poor VIP's walking to see the game and I'm taking stupid pictures of him, with my stupid phone, what now?!" - but then he just swaggered a little, smiled, stroke a fabulous pose and yelled "ciao belissima" so I think we're fine

Actually I was rooting for the Honduras team - I don't like the French team much and I thought how happy their fans would be if they won or at least scored a cool goal. I could watch the first half in the Volunteer Center, so I realised I may not be their biggest fan after all, because they played pretty violently and it was raining yellow cards.

In the picture is the parking lot and the VIP entrance afar. As you can see we're not exactly well prepared yet and actually there are construcion works here all the time.

Iga from Porto Alegre
Iga from Porto Alegre Iga Żuławińska

And then a party!

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