Kivia from Sao Paulo: The flags are still there, but they're forgotten. The World Cup is over for us

Kivia Mendonca Costa
Kivia from Sao Paulo
Kivia from Sao Paulo Kivia Mendonca Costa
This is it - World Cup in Brazil is coming to an end. The streets are still decorated with the flags, but it's as if someone has fogotten about them. For us, Brazilians, the World Cup is over.

Last game for Brazil. Exactly one month ago, when I saw our team playing in this World Cup for the first time, I doubted we'd become champions. The midfield did not inspire much confidence, but the resourcefulness of Neymar, David Luiz, Thiago Silva gave hope that the team would be set up with time. In fact, I felt we were improving throughout the competition, until a beautiful match against Colombia.
We definitely did not have the best team, but we had the largest amount of supporters. In Brazil and worldwide. Yes, my friends, in this world, wherever I'd go during my trip, from Guatemala to Myanmar, from Kenya to Egypt, I saw people wearing our yellow shirt. With great proud.
I have imagined many possible endings for this tournament, even a hasty way out still during the group phase or in the quarter-final. But I've never ever envisioned we'd leave our own pitch like this. Heads down, humiliated. Humiliation. I do not know if it is harder to recover from this feeling or get carried away with a third place dispute.

Brazilian flags still graces streets and buildings in São Paulo (as if they had been forgotten there), tourists still go around, taking their "I've been in the World Cup" photos. But for us, Brazilians, the competition is over. On Facebook, it is difficult to find a friend who wants to go to a bar and see the game. Some even like the idea to go out, a friend invite me for a gather together at his house: "more for the company, for the drinking thing. The game is just an excuse", he says.

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