Kivia from Sao Paulo: All roads lead... in front of the TV screen (6)

Kivia Mendonca Costa
Kivia from Sao Paulo
Kivia from Sao Paulo Kivia Mendonca Costa
Another game of the Brazilian team made everyone in Sao Paulo go crazy again.

Streets surprisingly crowded in São Paulo at 2 pm! About three hours before the match against Cameroon, all the roads seem to lead home or to the closest television. At Republica metro station, there are for escalators until the trains platform. People get squeezed in long lines since the first one. It seems like nobody wants to miss the game that will qualify Brazil (or not) to the next fase. Or maybe people are just very glad they're off off work a lot earlier and want to enjoy the time to rest. Howsoever, the yellow and green have taken the streets again and even the famous all-you-can-eat restaurants prepare food in the colours of the national flag.

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