Kivia from São Paulo: ENG x URU, before the match (4)

Kivia Mendonca Costa
Kivia from Sao Paulo
Kivia from Sao Paulo Kivia Mendonca Costa
We're back in São Paulo for the match Uruguay vs England at Corinthians Arena. Take a look what's going on in SP today.

São Paulo woke up London today. Grey sky, low temperatures, drizzle threatening to fall and... English people everywhere! A guy from Manchester said it's because this is the game everyone could watch if they'd come only for the weekend and still make it to England on Sunday, "in time to go back to work on Monday and tell everyone they've been to Brazil World Cup 2014".

Tickets for the match against Uruguay were indeed sold out very quickly. Our neighbors call more attention a lot of attention with theirs light blue paintings, huge hats, wigs and glasses, but, surprisingly, they were seen in less number.

Let's see if England surprises also in the pitch. In the bars and on the street they look really comfortable, even wearing shorts and T-shirts in a winter day, with 13 degrees outside.

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