Kivia from Sao Paulo: The day has come! Let's get this party started! (2)

Kivia Mendonca Costa
Kivia from Sao Paulo
Kivia from Sao Paulo Kivia Costa
São Paulo was waken up by the noise of hundreds of vuvuzelas today. Just yesterday night, many were still asking “The World Cup, is it going to happen?”. The colors that have taken buildings, bars, cars, children today, the collors green and yellow, seem to answer that question.

I just came back from a walk in the old downtown. Some were concerned about finding a place to watch the match, others asking themselves if it will be possible to arrive at Itaquerão Stadium, fearing that the metro's employees will be on strike again. The TV has shown some small protests going on in this afternoon.

Kivia from Sao Paulo
Kivia from Sao Paulo Kivia Costa

I'll try to head to the stadium very soon. Not that I'll be watching the game. The tickets are too expensive for me and for most part of Brazilians. Just want to witness this historical moment. Hope I'll be able to tell my grandchildren if this World Cup will happen or not, that I have experienced whatever happens today with my own eyes, ears and senses. "What about the thing in 2014?". Oh, yes, I was there.

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