Leonardo from Fortaleza: Life after the World Cup (9)

Leonardo Costa
Leonardo na szczycie BRICS
Leonardo na szczycie BRICS Leonardo Costa
So, the World Cup ended, as of today, the Fifa Fan Fest is still standing at the beach, which is a nice memory of all the recent fun and happiness my friends and I lived there.

Fortaleza is still a litle hangovered after the World Cup. The local teams are playing again, Ceará Esporte Clube having lost a game to a team from Santa Catarina state for the second division of the Brazilian Championship (1:3).

Numbers say that almost 680 thousand people watched the games in the stadium in Fortaleza, during the World Cup games we hosted.

Besides that, we hosted the VI BRICS Summit in the Centro de Eventos (events center) which i attended and enjoyed quite a bit. We had Brazil's president, Dilma, alongside with Vladimir Putin from Russia, Jacob Zuma, from South Africa, Xi Jinping from China and Pranab Mukherjee from India.

So, life goes on! Hope to see all of you soon! Take care!

Saúde! Desejo o melhor a todos!

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