Pablo from Cuiaba: Russia vs Korea - it's quiet and calm (3)

Pablo Faliki Reveles Pereira
Pablo from Cuiaba
Pablo from Cuiaba Pablo Reveles
Unlike last weekend, when thousands of Chileans and Australians invaded Cuiaba, this week started really quiet and calm. Official numbers tell that 8 thousand supporters of Russia and Korea are coming to watch this match at Pantanal Arena.

Most of them are already in the city. Chileans had made a huge party here, but Koreans and Russians are really quiet people even in groups they do not take the attention; they prefer to keep the environment as it always use to be.

They got lucky, unlike last week this Monday begun with a fresh and cloudy weather; such thing is really rare in Cuiaba even during the winter. We hope it could help players show they best skills and provide us a nice game (and with many goals scored as well).

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