Zuzana from Brasilia: Match or food - the supporters liked the latter one better (5)

Zuzana Pytlikova Barbosa
Zuzana from Brasilia
Zuzana from Brasilia Zuzana Pytlikova Barbosa
Another match day in Brasilia for Zuzana. Portugal played against Ghana, but some of the supporters were more interested in eating than watching the game.

Fourth match here in Brasília (Portugal X Ghana) and a day off for most of the people in Brasilia. This time we decided to use the free time for a fast sightseeing, to show some not so tourist monuments to Fabia, Carlos's sister, who came to spend some days with us during the World Cup.

Firstly we went to visit a buddhist temple of Brasilia but unluckily it was closed, so we decided to go to a blue church "Igreja Azul" and then we wanted to take the lift to see the view of the stadium from the tower, but again unluckily the tower was closed. I don't really understand how tourist attractions can be closed during the bank holidays, specially when foreigners and also Brazilians are visiting the city to watch the match.

Annoyed, we sat down at the handicrafts market, had a fast lunch, "pastel" and a beer and watched the match. These time I have to say the atmosphere was very different, very few tourist around, no one really cared about the match, people were more paying attention to their food and conversation than to the match. The city seemed half empty.

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