Leonardo from Fortaleza: Brazil X Colombia - Played in Fortaleza!

Leonardo Costa
Didn't go to the stadium, since people were asking an arm and a leg for the tickets! Which is something i will discuss at another time.

Tickets that are valued at as low as 60 reais being sold for 2000 (two thousando) reais or more!

Are Brazilians unethical people or is this just a signal of "smart ass" people trying to score money with the matches?

So, Brazil win but Neymar is injured!
Funny fact is that he went to the hospital where my father works! I even told my dad that he should go there and try to get Neymar to sign my shirt hahaha.

Bleak moment for Brazil, even with a win! Now we have to win without Neymar!

Let's see how this World Cup goes! Força Brasil!

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