Liseth from Rio: Party in the city centre, poverty in the favelas

Liseth van der Biest Gomez
Liseth from Rio
Liseth from Rio Liseth van der Biest Gomez
I'm back once again... I have a lot of things to tell, so hopefully this won't seem like the 3rd testament. I've been here in Brasil for over a week now. At first I was staying with a friend in Botafogo which is a cool area with a nice beach, now I'm staying with a host family far away from the city, which is also cool cuz I get to live the whole "be part of the Brazilian Family" experience.

Brazilians are really warm people, this doesn't surprise me cuz I come from a latin country, they have been really open to me and it's nice that Spanish is similar to Portuguese cuz that way I can understand the culture even more. So far I'm speaking in what we call " Portuñol" (Español and Portugues put together). hehehehe... I thought it would be easy but I was wrong, people in Rio talk really fast, so it's hard to catch everything.

In Rio the party is everywhere... Argentinians area overall.. you can normally see a lot of flags from Mexico, Argentina and Colombia... something I expected... Europeans aren't that flashy.

Liseth from Rio
Liseth from Rio Liseth van der Biest Gomez

In latinoamerica there is a big rivalry between Argentina and Brasil... they tend to compare their teams, football history, Pele vs Maradona.... the list is endless... but Brasil is the biggest winner in footballl history so it kinds of sumes up all that stuff and the are hosting...thats an extra +!
Brazilians are cheeing for Bosnia (no surprise right) there are a lot of coments about this game, the Argentinian coach had a closed training, they claim that Messi needs "protection from the media" I think it's a bad excuse... but even though Brasilians and Argentinians aren't the BFF's of the continent, they can get along.

Being in the favela was the opposite thing of what I saw in Copacabana, I mostly talked to the kids there... and it is sad that they have to live in such a precarious condition. I felt like I had to do something to help them, but what can I do? I was even scared to touched them cuz maybe they could feel like I was tresspasing some kind of bundary, thanks God that bundary was non-existen! I talked to them about the weather and the pets they had there... wich such a limited vocabulary I couldnt say much! they were mostly shy in the beggining but later they were opened to me. I went with Glenda, my Brazilian friend (never go to a Favela by your own) and I'm very happy that I could be there, somehow I felt very grateful about the life style I have. The is poverty in Venezuela, and is even worse that here, but seeing this after all this world cup enviroment was very touchy.

I have to go... I'll keep writting later ;)

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