Luiz Carlos from Recife: Let's go forward Brasil! (6)

Luiz Carlos dos Santos Filho
Luiz Carlos from Recife
Luiz Carlos from Recife Luiz Carlos
Today is our first decision in 2014 world cup! All Brazil is kind of nervous and anxious for this match.

Brazilian present at Itaquera Arena have left it very quickly to have enough time to watch Brasil. I have decided to not go to the match between Mexico and Croatia to see our national team.

Recife is cloudy again and with many foreign because of the match. The Mexican who invaded Natal and Fortaleza have arrived and joined the others who were already here. This match, in my opinion, will be a great game. Croatia and Mexico have good teams and will also play their first final in the world cup.

Let's wait to see how will end this first day of world cup's third round and see which are the opponents of Netherlands and Chile.

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