Pablo from Cuiabá: Watching Brazil vs Mexico in the Fan Fest (4)

Pablo Reveles
Pablo from Cuiabá
Pablo from Cuiabá Pablo Reveles
Cuiabá Fan Fest went crazy during Brazil vs Mexico game. Incredible parades of Mexican goalkeeper did not ruined the party.

Last 17th was such a big day to Cuiaba, was the day that a World Cup match was happening at Pantanal Arena and Brazil was playing too. Brazil vs. Mexico was in another city but when Brazil plays the whole country stops, this is the reason why soccer is the national passion. Most of the cuiabanians did as the usually do, go to some friend´s house and in small groups them watch the game together. But many people at that time preferred to enjoy the game at FIFA Fan Fest. Official numbers say that more than 35 thousand people were there, it was almost the amount of people that were at Pantanal Arena.

Some Koreans and Russians went there to join the Brazilian party but they looked like little red dots into a yellow ocean. Everybody singing, yelling, drinking, partying, supporting the team…It was emotional.
After the game (0x0) people were not really happy about soccer, but they continued partying through the night. You know, we are happy by nature, in good or bad times, never let the happiness go away.

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