Renato from Belo Horizonte: It's sad that it's over. Hey, who wants to travel to Russia in 4 years time?

Renato Lima Santos Filho
Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte
Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte Renato Lima Santos Filho
Renato Lima was blogging for us for the past month. This is his last post from Belo Horizonte.

Brazil 0 vs. 3 Holland for the Third place

Chatting with Marcelo, my childhood friend before the game.

Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte
Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte Renato Lima Santos Filho

In the end, I gave up going to the Fan Fest and watched the game at home with my father.

Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte
Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte Renato Lima Santos Filho

Germany 1 vs. 0 Argentina for the Trophy.

I watched the final with friends at Bar do John, close to Savassi. There were a few Germans there. I think most Germans in Belo Horizonte were in one other nearby well know German bar. The Stadt Jever.

Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte
Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte Renato Lima Santos Filho

Post-game rock stile celebration at Jack Rock Bar during the international rock day.

Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte
Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte Renato Lima Santos Filho

Inhotim Modern Art Open Air Museum

The museum is around 1.5 hours from Belo Horizonte and it may take two to three days to see it all. I went there with an American friend that came to Brazil for the World Cup.

Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte
Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte Renato Lima Santos Filho

Pope square

The Pope square is a nice place for a great view of the city and for the kids to play around.

Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte
Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte Renato Lima Santos Filho

Belo Horizonte observation point at evening.

Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte
Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte Renato Lima Santos Filho

I would like to thank you all, mainly the Polish readers for making this blog possible.

I am sad that the World Cup is over. Observing our visitors during this period I came to the conclusion that there might be only one thing better than a World Cup in our hometown. I believe that traveling abroad with friends for a World Cup in another country might be even better. Humm, I will definitely think about going to Russia in 4 years time.

Have a great one!!!

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