Pedro from Salvador: Allez les rouges! Hop France! Or wait, is it the other way around? (4)

Pedro Henrique de Abreu Seabra de Mello
Pedro from Salvador
Pedro from Salvador Stephanie Foden
Allez les rouges! Hop France! Or wait, is it the other way around?

Singing alongside each other towards Arena Fonte Nova, the Swiss and the French are hard to tell apart, though it’s easy to see that the latter form the vast majority of fans present today at the stadium.

The red invasion doesn’t seem to translate into favourable prognostics for the match. All over the city, locals agree upon a French triumph. The only point of contention is, by what margin are the blues going to win?

I would personally not be so optimistic, especially now that Costa Rica just beat Italy. But then again, it’s hard to think straight with so much noise around you.

I do have one prediction for the match, though: these guys will appear on the stadium’s screens at least once.

See you after the match. And here’s a new chant for those who, just like me, can’t make their minds on which side to root for: Allez les bleuges!

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