Renato from Belo Horizonte: Brazil vs. Chile on the round of 16

Renato Lima Santos Filho
Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte
Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte Renato Lima Santos Filho
The game between Brazil and Chile was very special for Renato. It was special for the entire Belo Horizonte.

In John's bar, a traditional bar for foreigners in Belo Horizonte. With Mike, an American and other Brazilian friends. The US is the country that sent the major number of supporters to Brazil (followed by Australia, England and Argentina). I can see it, as there are many Americans in Belo Horizonte even though the US is not playing here.

Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte
Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte Renato Lima Santos Filho

Parking the car in an interim private car parking a few kilometres from the stadium.

Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte
Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte Renato Lima Santos Filho

In front of a bar one kilometre from the stadium.

Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte
Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte Renato Lima Santos Filho

Brazil's squad arriving in the stadium.

Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte
Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte Renato Lima Santos Filho

Outside the stadium, I met friends from Minas International. A company that welcome foreigners living in BH. In the picture, British and Brazilians.

Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte
Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte Renato Lima Santos Filho

I had the opportunity to meet Hulk before the game and give some advices. None regarding how to score a penalty though.

Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte
Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte Renato Lima Santos Filho

In the stadium just before the game. Even though all my tickets are Category 1 tickets. Only in one of them, my seat was really central to the field. At least at this time I was closer to the posts that saved Brazil.

The Chilean supporters had loads of fun. While it lasted.

Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte
Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte Renato Lima Santos Filho

Police guarding the stadium after the match. Fortunately, I have not seem any major issue in the World Cup so far. Even though, many Brazilian supporters have not been very nice and teasing other supporters beyond what I think it is acceptable at some points.

Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte
Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte Renato Lima Santos Filho

After game party after the match in a new friend's house.

Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte
Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte Renato Lima Santos Filho

We even played a fun football match after the barbecue.

Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte
Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte Renato Lima Santos Filho

Brazilian supporters sing our Anthem before the game.

Supporting Brazil squad.

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