Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte: Football is coming home! I'm coming home! (1)

Renato Lima Santos Filho
Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte
Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte Renato Lima
Renato Lima is's correspondent from Belo Horizonte, where 6 World Cup games will take place. He will attend all the games. He will show you his fantastic hometown. Check out Belo Horizonte with Renato Lima!

Hi, Polish readers of and all other football fans. My name is Renato and I am a Brazilian supporter native from Belo Horizonte. have been living in Europe for the last 5.5 years - 3 years in the UK and 2.5 years in Denmark.

In both countries I have had quite a few Polish colleagues and as such I'm excited by the opportunity to show the Brazilian World Cup in the perspective of someone who was born and grew up in Belo Horizonte and is back for a life-time dream to enjoy the World Cup mood at his hometown, Belo Horizonte. I am 39 years old, separated, and have a 6-year-old daughter who speaks English and Danish.

Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte
Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte Renato Lima

During the World Cup I am staying at my parents' house, which is kind of in the middle of the area that covers the football stadium (Mineirão), the city centre and Expominas (Fifa Fan Feast location). I am attending all the six games that will take place in my hometown and I am very excited about this opportunity.

They are:

Colombia vs. Greece
Belgium vs. Algeria
Argentina vs. Iran
Costa Rica vs. England
Round of 16 (Potentially Brazil vs. Holland or Spain)
Semi-final (Potentially Brazil vs. Germany)

Renato Lima z Belo Horizonte

The city is almost completely ready, I would say. The airport expansion is not finished and its structure is unlikely to make the visitors feel very welcome at first, unfortunately. The new bus system called BRT have just been launched and many users are not happy about it. I hope that the supporters of other countries will keep up with their mood and enjoy the good stuff though :)

Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte
Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte Renato Lima

I will be creating posts with pictures and videos about my daily routine during the tournament so you can feel a bit of what is going on in the optic of a local. Stay tuned!

Check out Renato Lima's website here

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