Zuzana from Brasilia: France x Nigeria in the capital city! (7)

Zuzana Pytlikova Barbosa
Zuzana from Brasilia
Zuzana from Brasilia Zuzana Pytlikova Barbosa
France won against Nigeria in Brasilia - Les Bleus are through to the quarterfinal of the World Cup.

Today as almost every match in Brasilia I went to see how is the situation near the stadium. This time I decided to take the Fifa's bus. In the bus stop I was waiting the line was short so I thought "perfect, I will get easily to the bus". But I was wrong. One, two...five...buses had passed, totally crowded that the buses didn't even stop. At that moment, I was thinking that maybe better just go on foot again. But then appeared another bus, totally empty and we could got finally in. The line on the next stop was even longer and the bus got crowded again.

I got out near the stadium and went directly to the stadium, again the same situation, crowds of people everywhere, I would say, I saw mostly Brazilians going to the stadium. The atmosphere by the stadium was amazing again, fans having fun and attractions for tourist to watch was more than enough. Group of acrobats doing a show, school of drums playing, samba dancing,... even not going to watch the match, it is worth to pass by and see the great mood of people by the stadium.

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