Kivia from Sao Paulo: Argentinian invasion before the round of 16 game (10)

Kivia Mendonca Costa
Kivia from Sao Paulo
Kivia from Sao Paulo Kivia Mendonca Costa
Another awesome post directly from Sao Paulo.

Argentinian invasion in Sao Paulo! There stores were not even opened, when our neighbor fans started to come out from everywhere: from streets, buses and even from the ground! Look at them posing for pictures at Se metro station, besides Brazuca, the World Cup's oficial ball. Already dreaming of the big prize.... our biggest nightmare, I must admit (touch wood!).

The Argentinian team arrived at Itaquerao stadium one hour and a half before the match, before the always-on-time Swiss. Their couch has said he iss gonna show today how to stop Messi. Man, if they couldn't beat Argentinians even in their expertise, the clock, I doubt they'll be the best in the field. Let's see.

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