Kivia from São Paulo: Where did all the English hide? (5)

Kivia Mendonca Costa
Kivia from São Paulo
Kivia from São Paulo Kivia Mendonca Costa
Before the game against Uruguay the streets of São Paulo were full of English people. I have no idea how it is possible that thousands of people disappear just like that.

Hey, where did all the English go? As I left the (almost empty) bar after the match, I saw Uruguayan fans, Greek fans, Algerian fans cheering, but the thousands of English that had completely taken the streets a few hours before the match, well...

I understand their feelings. They had possession during almost two thirds of the match, created more scoring chances, had fans with the funniest costumes etc, BUT where was their Suarez? Where was that skilful lad, who plays with the ball at his feet and does not lose the chances (even if it is one) to set the score? Who is Rooney in the pitch?

And that's how South America, with its majestic dribble, has finished one more European kingdom. Tonight, São Paulo goes to bed more Montevideo.

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