Pablo from Cuaiba: The city is full of tourists again. Japanese and Colombians arrived! (6)

Pablo Faliki Reveles Pereira
Pablo from Cuiaba
Pablo from Cuiaba Pablo Reveles
Cuiaba just relearned how to get along with a calm and quiet environment when everything has been turned upside down again.

The last game that will be played at Mato Grosso´s capital in this World Cup brought thousands of tourists to town. Local newspapers say that more than 25 Colombians came or are coming to this game. 99% of hotel rooms available in Cuiaba are already booked or taken. It´s a massive invasion, mostly Colombians but Japanese people also came in a huge number.

The public expected to Colombia vs. Japan game is record, once the tickets are sold out since last week. The amount of people inside the Arena will pass 40 thousand. But in a bad side many people did not get a ticket, even those travelled days to get here, case of some Colombians and Japanese. If you want to watch that game but do not have a ticket, go to FIFA Fan Fest is the best option to have some fun.

The reflex of many people here is shown at FIFA Fan Fest, streets, and squares. Bar zones in downtown turned to big parties all day long. Irish, Bolivians, Colombians, Japanese, Koreans, Chilean, Germans, English, literally people from all over the world. I really was not expecting that many nationalities here, but as a good surprise I just enjoy and make new friends.

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