Renato Lima from Belo Horizonte: My first time in the new Mineirao in Belo Horizonte (Colombia vs Greece)

Renato Lima Santos Filho
Renato z Belo Horizonte na meczu Kolumbia - Grecja
Renato z Belo Horizonte na meczu Kolumbia - Grecja Renato Lima Santos Filho
I went to the stadium with an American friend, we parked around 2 km from the stadium in a private car parking and joined the Colombians to the stadium.

I was amazed to see so many people from another country together in my hometown. I had never seems anything like that before.

Renato z Belo Horizonte na meczu Kolumbia - Grecja
Renato z Belo Horizonte na meczu Kolumbia - Grecja Renato Lima Santos Filho

We were lucky enough to arrive exactly when the Colombian team was passing by.

Renato z Belo Horizonte na meczu Kolumbia - Grecja
Renato z Belo Horizonte na meczu Kolumbia - Grecja Renato Lima Santos Filho

The stadium has improved. The biggest changes are on the new outside esplanade.

Renato z Belo Horizonte na meczu Kolumbia - Grecja
Renato z Belo Horizonte na meczu Kolumbia - Grecja Renato Lima Santos Filho

I had trouble to buy a bottle of water though, as there were not enough bars opened for so many supporters. That was shame.

Renato z Belo Horizonte na meczu Kolumbia - Grecja
Renato z Belo Horizonte na meczu Kolumbia - Grecja Renato Lima Santos Filho

I learned that fancy hats are cool, as long as they are not in front of you! :-)

It was the first time I have seen the Mineirão belonging to a team other than Atlético Mineiro or Cruzeiro. Additionally the Colombian yellow would mix with Brazilian t-shirts, which would make a quite nice view.

Renato z Belo Horizonte na meczu Kolumbia - Grecja
Renato z Belo Horizonte na meczu Kolumbia - Grecja Renato Lima Santos Filho

View from the stadium to the lakeside.

Renato from Belo Horizonte
Renato from Belo Horizonte Renato Lima

Colombians celebrating outside the stadium just after the match as Colombia won 3 vs 0 Greece.

With my American friend Jason in a friends' bar which is near the stadium. Eventually I figured out the Jason is actually 1/4 polish. He sent his best wishes to my polish readers.

My friend created the bar just for the World Cup and it is the only bar in the surrounding that can sell beer. There will be live bands performing after every game in Belo Horizonte.

Colombians celebrating in the bar near the stadium after the match.

Later in the day, I still went to a traditional Brazilian Junina Party with friends.

Renato from Belo Horizonte
Renato from Belo Horizonte Renato Lima

On Sunday, I went to an amusement park close to Pampulha Lake.

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