Iga from Porto Alegre: A blonde girl's no big deal (6)

Iga Żuławińska
Mecz Brazylia - Chile oglądaliśmy w domu Leo
Mecz Brazylia - Chile oglądaliśmy w domu Leo Iga żuławińska
I came here thinking that with my blonde hair and fair eyes I'll kind of stand out from the crowd. Wrong In Porto Alegre there's a lot of blonde people, bright eyes are no surprise either.

In this part of Brasil many people have europian roots - often german or polish or czech. Some of the volunteers who I met here have familiar surnames - like Rutkoski, Wereszko, Klimek. Except me, there are three other polish girls here - Ania (born in Poland but lives in Canada), Voja (she has two passports too, Polish and Norwegian) and Ewa from Warsaw.

Ania: "Iga, Iga! There's a polish place here, in Porto Alegre, very close! Wanna check it out?"
Iga: "Totally!"

The Polish restaurant, sweetly named "Polish Restaurant" is run by the family of mr Jerzy Kowalczyk. His parent migrated to Brasil before he was born. Even though he's been to Poland only two times, he speaks Polish very well - actually fantastic, with no foreign accent, he even adds a "..., nie?" at the end of sentences (Polish equivalent of adding "..., right?"). When he realised he's having quests from Polan he came to sit with us for a few moments, so he could speak the language he's almost no longer using. His wife is Brasilian, although also with Polish roots. She doesn't speak Polish, her parents qucikly stopped using it in the new home. Mr Jerzy (well, for us it's now Jurek, a short form of that name) was very curious if his cuisine is similar enough to the traditional Polish one - and I have to admit that it is, very! We tried meatballs and "pierogi ruskie" (similar to dumplings), both dishes tasted very much "homelike". Not everything here can be prepared exactly like in Poland, for example because of the lack of some ingredients, but me and Ania give Polish Restaurant 5 stars for quality and taste. Additional points for decorations!

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