Kivia from São Paulo: Korean cameras brought back the memories (8)

Kivia Mendonca Costa
Kivia from São Paulo
Kivia from São Paulo Kivia Mendonca Costa
Another incredible day in Sao Paulo. Check out Kivia Costa's new post.

Hey, people! Finally a sunny and hot winter day in São Paulo. Oh, it's amazing the number of cameras on the streets today! Koreans really like to take pictures I hadn't met anyone from South Korea during the World Cup yet, but today I saw at least a few hundreds of them. No kidding! If their national soccer team would depend only on the fans to beat Belgium today, in Itaquerão stadium, they'd be definately already in the round of 16.

As I observed them, I had like a flashback of my first day in South Korea, the first Asian country I have visited. My friend, what a shock! Everything so moderm, clean and high-teach! I remember that ronce, inside the metro, I was the only single human being in the environment who didn't have a smartphone or tablet. I found they were being so cold and unpolite. After a few days, I realized why shy Koreans are. And polite.

Well, let's see how they'll perform in the pitch today. By the way, I have to rush to go watch the match! My friend must be waiting for me. He is Mexican and was going to to the stadium today, but he got robbed a few days ago and the ticket was among the stolen items … he has contacted Fifa, trying to get a new one (since the tickets are identified by name), but the soccer entity has only registered the steal and did nothing to help him.

Anyway, I'm reall exciceted to see my friend after almost one year. We were rommates in São Paulo. By the way, we had a Korean rommate at that time. Really sweet boy! Once I met him in Busan, the most beautiful city in South Korea and … oh, no, no more stories! I really have to go. Well, at this point you already know which team I'm supporting today, anyway.

After match

The massive presence of Korean fans in São Paulo was not enough to guarantee the national team's classification to the round of sixteen. In fact, with the defeat to Belgium, they soured the last position in H group. Sad for those who literally crossed the hemispheres to support their players, but no surprise for the rest of the world. Even here in São Paulo, where the game took place, people were not really watching the match. All bars' TV and even Fifa Fan Fest big screen were tuned in Algeria x Russia. Everyone believed that the remaining place for the next phase would come from this match. As it indeed happened. The surprise of the evening was Algerian fans, who touched the locals with their effusive way of celebrating. By the end of the party noone even remembered that South Korea and Belgium had ever confronted each other in this city.

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