Liseth from Rio: Belgium vs Russia + France vs Ecuador + FIFA Fan Fest

Liseth van der Biest Gomez
Liseth from Rio
Liseth from Rio Liseth van der Biest Gomez
Hi guys I'm back again.. the last dayus has been really fun and stressfull at the same time cuz I've been moving around Rio. but lets talk about the stuff you wanna read: FOOTBALL!

The day before the Belgium vs Russia match, the LOC here in the stadium were a little bit worried about the safety, after what happened with the Chileans, the security got even bigger. Russians have this "fame" that their are dangerous if they lose in competitions and the people in Brasil were waiting for a big fight after the match. but it wasnt the case, even though the security in Maracana during match days is just over the top.... the national guard is everywhere!

The match was pretty amazing, the stadium was packed with Belgians, the had a lot of songs to cheer their national team, the were cheering since they got to the stadium and started painting everybodys faces with markets and pait with black, gold and red... the had tooooonnnnsssss of flags and crazy hats! it was a shame they scored just one goal!

the Russians also had a big part, they also had many many songs.... they just werent that flashy like the belgians when it comes to flags and stuff!

All belgians wanted to buy and exchange tshirts with the volunteers, but we're not allowed to do that!

the next game: France vs Ecuador was great too but it was really sad that no one scored. but there were moments that made me feel really good to be there in the tribune, like hearing "La Marseillaise" was PRICELESS! the French really put their heart at that moment and the feeling is just overwhelming! the French fans also were really creative when it comes to outfits, we saw many things like mimes, napoleon hats, berets and tooonsss of flags... you could hear: " allez les blue" all the time!!!

Ecuadorians took over the stadium too! they were singin: "vamosssss Ecuatorianos, esta noche tenemos que ganar" ( let's do it Ecuadorians, we have to win tonight)... they never stoped singing that.. it was really cool that I talked to them, and even though they're out of the tournament, they were really happy about being in the world cup. you could see fans from both teams hugging at the end of the game, taking pics and exchanging t-shirts! it was really funny hearing the french trying to speak spanish and viceversa! hehehhee....

The FIFA fan fest is a MUST! if you're in Rio you have to go there. you can find people from all around the world! it's always crowded. it's located in Copacabana so it's really easy to get there. you have tons of stands with food, drinks and games. they always have live music and it's like a permanent party, specially during the games, all volunteer meet there to try SAMBAAAAAA!!!! two days ago we a had a pretty cool surprise in the Fan Fest, Ronaldo (the real one, from Brasil) came to say hi! it was soooo sool to see him! it was crazy to hear him say that he was really happy about hosting this event and wishing all teams good luck!

well guys thats what I have for now... I'll write you soon! tomorrow is Colombia vs Uruguay! BOM JOGO!

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