Luiz Carlos from Recife: Brazilian Venice, a perfect place for football! (1)

Luiz Carlos dos Santos Filho
Luiz Carlos from Recife
Luiz Carlos from Recife Luiz Carlos
Recife is one of the host-cities of the World Cup. Five games will take place at Pernambuco Arena in São Lourenço da Mata. Wait, what? Ok, it will be better if our correspondent Luiz Carlos explains everything. Enjoy Recife!

Oi! My name is Luiz Carlos. I am a sports lover, especially fanatic for soccer. Sport Club do Recife is one of my passions and as Sport fans say: "Pelo Sport tudo!" (For Sport everything!)

What do you know about Recife, the Brazilian Venice?

Recife is the capital of Pernambuco state, the most important city of the North/Northeast of Brazil. It's also called Brazilian Venice because it is surrounded by rivers and has many bridges. Outstanding things in this city are the food and the culture. You can't go to Recife and not try Tapioca, Carne de Sol, bolo de rolo, dance Frevo and Forró.

Luiz Carlos from Recife
Luiz Carlos from Recife Luiz Carlos

Actually the Arena Pernambuco Stadium, where the World Cup matches are going to take place, is not in Recife. It is located in São Lourenço da Mata, a city smaller than Recife, but in an area called Big Recife which 'contains' Recife and other smaller cities.

Recife is not completely ready for the World Cup. The road to Arena Pernambuco is 'difficult', there are not many ways to go there and the public transportation is being improvised to attend the public during the event. On the other hand, the stadium itself is ready. It was used for the Confederations Cup last year, for important matches during last and this year, including the final of our regional championship.

If you're thinking to come to Recife to watch the World Cup or because of other opportunity this blog will be a good source to get know a little bit more about the city and its people. Enjoy!

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