Pablo from Cuiabá: World Cup in the heart of Brazilian nature

Pablo Faliki Reveles Pereira
Pablo Reveles from Cuiabá
Pablo Reveles from Cuiabá Pablo Reveles
Have you ever been to Cuiabá? No? Now you have an incredible opportunity to visit this remarkable place thanks to our correspondent from Cuiabá Pablo Reveles. Four World Cup games will take place in his city.

I'm Pablo. I am a normal guy from a normal country city who likes field where you can grow food and also field where 22 brave men can play soccer. As a good Brazilian I also like caipirinha, good music and partying. I could do this anywhere!

Cuiabá is a medium-sized city in the middle of Brazil and the capital of Mato Grosso State, so far everything draws a normal city, but why should this typical country city be one of the 12 that will host the World Cup? The answer is Nature.

The state of Mato Grosso has many natural sites where everyone can enjoy, besides is the unique Federal State who has 3 different ecosystems. Being the inevitable gate to all these things, Cuiabá is a very friendly city with a little more than half a million habitants. Hot weather, trees in everywhere and tasty food are some characteristics that make this city truly awesome.

Pablo Reveles from Cuiabá
Pablo Reveles from Cuiabá Pablo Reveles

Since all the work to get the games began, as the construction of the Arena Pantanal, urban mobility works and the reform of the local airport, things got a little messy, but now that World Cup is really close, we can finally enjoy some of the many changes that were promised until the Great Games. The work are not 100% completed all over the city, but what is already done will be enough to guarantee what locals are really good at - party!

Pablo Reveles from Cuiabá
Pablo Reveles from Cuiabá Pablo Reveles

Every place in downtown like bars, museums, urban historic places, historic churches and fairs are ready to give a nice reception to tourists. It is like if you had a old cousin who lives in a small farm miles away from you, if you go to visit him after 20 years, he will receive you in the best way as he can. This is the situation with local population - everybody wants to make their best to make sure that the outsiders will always come back.

Pablo Reveles z Cuiaby

Beside all the preparations to the games, Pantanal Arena is a big jewel in the middle of the city, with a beautiful metal net-shaped structure (to guarantee ventilation during the games, once Cuiabá gets really hot some seasons of the year). Finally all the works are finished at the Arena and the results you can see in some pictures taken in a fresh and beautiful "cuiabanian" evening.

Pablo Reveles from Cuiabá
Pablo Reveles from Cuiabá Pablo Reveles

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