Pedro from Salvador: Welcome to Bahia, the homestate of Brazilian art and... Dani Alves (1)

Pedro Henrique de Abreu Seabra de Mello
Pedro from Salvador - Oh, hey!
Pedro from Salvador - Oh, hey! Stephanie Foden
We proudly present you Pedro Henrique de Abreu Seabra de Mello,'s artistically skilled correspondent from Salvador! He'll show you the host-city, where six World Cup games will be played.

Olá! My name is Pedro Henrique de Abreu Seabra de Mello. Really. I often introduce myself using an extra six fake names, just to see people's reaction. I'm a graphic designer and copywriter born in Rio de Janeiro to a fashion designer and a photographer, and raised in Santa Teresa, the most bohemian and culturally charged district in town.

I first moved to Salvador several years ago, and even though love and work have taken me away time and time again, I always end up coming back to my adoptive hometown.

Kids at a drumming school
Kids at a drumming school Stephanie Foden

It’s not hard to see why, as Salvador has a cultural heritage that's hard to beat. From music to literature to film, a good share of Brazil's heroes hail from this city and surroundings. Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Maria Bethânia, Jorge Amado, Gal Costa, Glauber Rocha, Dorival Caymmi, Carybé, Pierre Verger - just to mention a few names worth looking up.

You may not know any of those people, but I’m sure the names Daniel Alves and Dante do ring the bell. Long before rising to international stardom, the two aces started in small local teams in Salvador and vicinity.

Pedro from Salvador
Pedro from Salvador Stephanie Foden

The city, much like the rest of the country, is suffering from a shock of reality: we had no idea hosting the World Cup would cost us so much. I’ve never seen the streets so unadorned and people so not in the mood for the event.

Pedro from Salvador
Pedro from Salvador Stephanie Foden

But as the kickoff closes in, we slowly start realizing that this will be one hell of a fest. And boy, do we like to party.

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