Kivia from Sao Paulo: A posing bartender, a "Brazilian" bike and crazy Dutch supporters (7)

Kivia Mendonca Costa
Kivia z São Paulo
Kivia z São Paulo Kivia Mendonca Costa
Today I decided to do it in a different way. I didn't sit on a table with friends and beers around, but wandered from bar to bar. I didn't want to watch the game. I wanted to watch the people. The Brazilians. This magical, passional, loud and gorgeous people I had the luck to belong to.

Sorry for the possibly exaggerated words. You know, I just came back from an international trip and realize that, although all the serious (social) problems of my country, it'a still one of the best places to live. This freedom and joy for life are not easy things to find.

But I was not alone. My camera came along in my shoulder, which made every single soul who paid attention on me believe I was a foreigner. F..., just because I was particularly proud of being Brazilian ... a guy said in Portuguese to the other: "oh, look the gringa ... go Brazil!". I turned around and answered in Portuguese. And watched his jaw drop to the floor. I heard some Brazilians have been pretending to be foreigners, speaking in English, in order to get attention. That is definately not my case.

I continued my tour, exchanging a few words with a bar's employees, all paying full attetnion to the match. When I got close to the counter, they all came, eyes opened for a possible order. When I asked for a picture, they all steped back, in sign of shy. But there's always one who not only says "sure!", but also asks what pose you want. In the next bar I would find one of them.

A bike full of props with the Brazilian flag blocked the side walk. It seemed like someone was trying to call for attention. I search aroud and see this middle-aged man, as adorned as the bicycle. Are you the owner of this bike? "Yes! Let's go take a picture?". He poses with this beatiful and tireless smile. Zé da Bicicleta is from Minas Gerais (like me!) and will be wadering around São Paulo in his unique bike during the World Cup, in order to ... call attention! Yes. That's how people get to know about his business. At the end, he gives me his card, with a list of the services he provides: gardening, yard cleaning, slab repairing etc.

I'm tired and decide to watch the final 20 minutes in a little bar, with no one in front of the small old TV. Mexico scores against Croatia. We see a chance to comfront Netherlands in the quarter-final. Oh, no! Netherlands again no! Fernandinho dissipates all faces' distress with the forth and final goal. A large group of costumed Dutch fans arrive. Game over. You'll have to take care of Mexico now, hum, I comment. "Oh, yes! Luckily we won't have to confront you Brazilians", one of them answer. Yes, not now. "Not now ... maybe in the final! Who knows". Who knows...

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