Rafaella and Cristiane from Curitiba: Friendship, sun and futebol! (1)

Cristiane W. Hanke and Rafaella B. Juliani
Rafaella and Cristiane from Curitiba
Rafaella and Cristiane from Curitiba Cristiane Wotroba Hanke, Rafaella Barbosa Juliani
You know what? You should definitely meet Rafaella i Cristiane - two energetic Brazilian girls from Curitiba. Thanks to them you'll get a unique chance to feel the atmosphere of the World Cup directly from the host-city where four Mundial games will take place. Who will win the World Cup? - Brasil!

Olá! This is Rafaella and Cristiane here. We super close friends, we have lived in Australia for 2 years and a half, actually we just arrived in Brazil 8 months ago. Maybe we'll introduce ourselves separately now. Who's first? Me!

Rafaella Barbosa Juliani

Oi! I'm Rafaella. My 24 years old, I'm a publicist, and I have my own business too. I like to train in the gym, run and reading books. I don't understand too much about soccer, but I always try, I always support our Brazilian team and the club from my city - Coritiba - is my favourite one.

Cristiane Wotroba Hanke

Hey, I'm Cris, I'm 25 years old and I'm a personal trainer and I work in many places around Curitiba doing functional training and performance training. I play soccer since I was a little girl till now. My favourite clubs are: Brisbane Roar from Australia and Corinthians from Brazil.

Rafaella and Cristiane from Curitiba
Rafaella and Cristiane from Curitiba Cristiane Wotroba Hanke, Rafaella Barbosa Juliani

Curitiba - a lot of sun in the city of football

Curitiba city is preparing itself at full steam for this big event of World Cup. You can see all of the city that there is something new and extraordinary happening here. The people can't wait for this huge moment in their lifes. We hope that the World Cup will change our lives as we have never seen it in Brazil before.

This is Arena da Baixada, it is almost ready, just some details left and we're ready to start the World Cup!

And about us, we are really excited and confident that Brazil will win the World Cup!

Rafaella and Cristiane from Curitiba
Rafaella and Cristiane from Curitiba Cristiane Wotroba Hanke, Rafaella Barbosa Juliani

[Cristiane] Oh, and I got to know recently that Poland will host the World Championship in volleyball. Be prepared, you will see the Brazil team playing the best volleyball in the world!

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