Pedro from Salvador: Dutch fans brought a double-decker to the city! (2)

Pedro Henrique de Abreu Seabra de Mello
Pedro from Salvador
Pedro from Salvador Stephanie Foden
Spain versus Holland. What you saw on television may have been a beautiful display of football at its finest, but you don’t need me to state the obvious.

Now what ensued outside Arena Fonte Nova was perhaps just as epic as what happened on the pitch: on the one hand, FIFA and the local traffic engineering authority put up over 40 roadblocks and detours on the city’s main roads and highways; on the other hand, our mayor decided not to declare a holiday. The result? Salvador came to a complete gridlock and, as you could see on TV, hundreds of seats were still empty halfway into the first half.

One other thing you probably saw on TV was these three totally random Spaniards, who popped on the stadium screens at least three times. I accidentally bumped into them before AND after the match, kilometres away from the stadium. Had we tried to meet on purpose, we would’ve failed miserably.

Pedro from Salvador
Pedro from Salvador Stephanie Foden

In the middle of a financial meltdown, the Spanish didn’t cross the Atlantic in great numbers. Not when compared to the Dutch, anyways: they brought a huge car caravan complete with a freaking double-decker bus. As the classic 1975 Supertramp album cover wonders, “Crisis? What crisis?”

On their way to the stadiums, fans were approached by groups of evangelical anti-abortion demonstrators. Brazilian pentecostal denominations are known for their marketing talents, but this time they disappointed me: their proselytizing material was written in Portuguese, which caused confusion or plain indifference among both Dutch and Spanish fans.

As I said in my previous post, Salvador was slowly picking up on the World Cup mood. Here’s visual proof:

Pedro from Salvador

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